Journal of Wound Research and Technology
Journal of Wound Research and Technology is an essential source of information for all wound care professionals. We publish all aspects of the promotion, prevention, and treatment of wounds and associated skin conditions to improve patient care. With topics spanning surgery, endocrinology, dermatology, vascular, oncology, nursing, technology, radiotherapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, modality therapy, and podiatry, the Journal of Wound Research and Technology continues to be the premier wound care journal for a wide range of healthcare professionals such as physicians, surgeons, nurses, midwives, podiatrists, physical therapists, radiotherapists, oncologists and occupational therapists.
Development Nursing Research
Development Nursing Reserach (e-ISSN: xxxx-xxxx, p-ISSN: xxxx-xxxx) is a peer-reviewed journal that serves as a platform for the publication of scientific research conducted by nurse practitioners, academics, and researchers. This journal is published by Commanditaire Vennotschaap Indonesian Science Media.
The focus and scope of this journal covers various fields in nursing, including adult nursing, emergency nursing, gerontological nursing, community nursing, mental health nursing, pediatric nursing, maternity nursing, nursing leadership and management, complementary and alternative medicine in nursing, and nursing education. The journal is published in two editions each year in February and August.
DNR extends a warm welcome to researchers around the world and invites them to submit their papers for consideration and publication in the journal. We accept various types of papers, including original research articles, systematic reviews, and case studies. Once accepted, papers will be published promptly, to ensure that valuable research findings are shared with the global nursing community in a timely manner.
Asean Vascular and Wound Research
Asean Vascular and Wound Research (AVOR) aspires to be the leading magazine in the multidisciplines of medical and nursing, endovascular, and surgical treatment of vascular disorders, arterial leg wound care, venous leg wound care, periperal arterial diastole, acute and chronic wounds. The journal's goal is to improve the management of patients with vascular and foot vascular disorders by publishing relevant papers on the perspectives, investigation, management, and prevention of aortic, cerebrovascular, and peripheral arterial disease, vascular access, trauma and malformations, venous ulcer, larteri ulcer, diabetic foot ulcer, periperal arterial disease, and lower extremity wound. The journal covers significant medical discoveries, examines new theories, publishes original pieces, review articles, case studies, viewpoints, and addresses current issues. To accomplish this purpose, the Journal will publish unique clinical investigations as well as publications that examine social, economic, ethical, legal, and political issues related to the problem.