Penerapan Edukasi Tentang Perilaku Hidup Sehat Dalam Pencegahan Asma Di SMP Muhammadyah 2 Purwokerto
asthma, education, teenagersAbstract
Background: Asthma involves temporary constriction of the respiratory tract due to reactivity to particular stimuli and inflammation. After diabetes and hypertension, asthma is a major chronic non-communicable disease. Purpose: This community service at SMP Muhammadyah 2 Purwokerto aims to educate teens about asthma prevention. Methods: This community service has three stages: permission application, media preparation, and implementation. Letter of assignment number UHB / ST / LPPM / 22/062024 covers this activity. Results: Community service initiatives by students will be evaluated at the end of the term. This health education event will take place at SMP Muhammadyah 2 Purwokerto on June 13, 2024. Leaflets can be used for power points, pretests, lectures, discussions, posttests, and demonstrations. Community work was completed by seventeen male and seventeen female SMP Muhammadyah 2 Purwokerto students. Facilitator, moderator, observer, notary, and material presenter all participated for one hour and five minutes. Participants showed how to use inhalers appropriately, discussed asthma preventive material, and actively engaged in all activities. Conclusion: Muhammadiyah 2 Middle School, Purwokerto students learnt about asthma all day.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Septian Mixrova Sebayang, Hafiz Trionardi, Inda Hidayati, Inka Azzahra Luthfi1, Kalya Rahma Widani1, Karell Bahran, Muhammad Ihsan Harits

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