Experience of Anesthesiology Nursing Students In Facing Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
Experience, OSCE, Anesthesiology Students, Qualitative, Objective Structured Clinical ExaminationAbstract
Background: Students' experience during OSCEs is generally anxiety, tension, fear of examiners which is influenced by a lack of self-confidence. So that many participants stated that they experienced lack of confidence, fear, and overthinking. Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting a study entitled the experience of anesthesiology nursing students in facing OSCE. This study aims to determine how anesthesiology nursing students experience in facing OSCE at Harapan Bangsa University.
Method: This study used a qualitative method with a descriptive phenomenological approach. The population studied was anesthesiology nursing students at Harapan Bangsa University who had undergone OSCE. Data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews with samples selected by purposive sampling technique. There were five participants who participated in this study with predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Result: this study found five themes related to the experience of anesthesiology nursing students in facing OSCE, namely psychological disorders, views on OSCE, positive impact, learning process, feelings after OSCE.
Conclusion: This study describes the experience of anesthesiology nursing students in facing OSCE and to increase knowledge in the preparation and implementation of OSCE.
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