The Effect of Murottal Therapy on Reducing Anxiety in Pre-Operative Patients Undergoing Spinal Anesthesia
Murottal Therapy, Anxiety, Spinal Anesthesia, complementary, pre-operativeAbstract
Background: Surgery involving spinal anesthesia can pose a threat to the body, integrity, and mental state of an individual. Moreover, surgery induces anxiety that hinders daily tasks and life activities. The use of non-pharmacological management or complementary therapy to reduce anxiety is increasingly being adopted, one of which is murottal therapy. This study aims to analyze the effect of murottal therapy on reducing anxiety in pre-operative patients undergoing spinal anesthesia at the Central Surgery Installation.
Methods: This quantitative study employs a pre-experimental design, specifically a one-group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique used in this study was consecutive sampling, involving 29 participants who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The instrument used in this study to assess respondents' anxiety was the Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale (APAIS) questionnaire.
Results: Following the administration of murottal therapy, a decrease in anxiety was observed. Initially, there were 7 respondents (27.6%) with mild anxiety, 14 respondents (48.3%) with moderate anxiety, and 7 respondents (24.1%) with severe anxiety. After the murottal therapy, 12 respondents (41.4%) experienced no anxiety, 15 respondents (51.7%) had mild anxiety, and 2 respondents (6.9%) had moderate anxiety, with no respondents experiencing severe anxiety or panic levels (0%)
Conclusions: These results indicate that murottal therapy has a significant effect on reducing anxiety in pre-operative patients undergoing spinal anesthesia.
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