The Relationship of Anxiety Level and Increased Blood Pressure In Preoperative Patients With General Anesthesia
Anxiety, Blood Pressure, General Anesthesia ,, Preoperative Care, Surgical OutcomesAbstract
Background: Preoperative anxiety, particularly among patients undergoing general anesthesia can significantly impact physiological responses, including blood pressure. General anesthesia often induces higher anxiety levels compared to spinal anesthesia due to the loss of consciousness and associated risks. This research aims to investigate the relationship between preoperative anxiety levels and blood pressure increase in patients undergoing general anesthesia.
Methods: A descriptive quantitative study with an analytic correlational approach was conducted. The cross-sectional study included 86 preoperative patients selected using incidental sampling. Data collection involved the APAIS questionnaire for anxiety and a sphygmomanometer for blood pressure measurements. Due to the non-normal data distribution, data were analyzed using Spearman's rho test.
Results: Among the 86 respondents, 64% were male, and the majority (32.6%) were aged 45-55. Most respondents were self-employed (22.1%) and had higher education (38.4%). Anxiety was prevalent, with 40.7% experiencing severe anxiety and 82.6% having high blood pressure. Spearman's rho test indicated a significant correlation between anxiety levels and increased blood pressure (p<0.05). In addition, in the Sperman Rho test between anxiety levels and blood pressure there is a correlation value of 1,000 and 0.441 which shows that there is a strong relationship between anxiety levels and increased blood pressure, where the more positive the correlation value, the stronger the relationship between the two variables.
Conclusions: There is a significant relationship between preoperative anxiety and increased blood pressure in patients undergoing general anesthesia. The findings highlight the need for effective anxiety management to mitigate hypertensive risks during surgery.
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